
آخر الأخبار

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Knafe stuffed with Nutella

                      *Knafe stuffed with Nutella*

&-500 x gram Kunafa
&-100 x grams of butter
&-1 x Chocolate Nutella Cup
&-Ingredients of sugar sorbet
&-1 x water cup
&-2 x cup sugar
&-2 x small hanging water blossom
&-2 x small hanging lemon juice


$$*We will prepare the sugar sorbet.
In a pot on the fire we add water and sugar and stir them to a good extent boiling water for 10 minutes.
If the surface of the water appeared any foam Henschelha hanging.
Add the lemon juice and stir well and leave the mixture on the fire for about 10 minutes or until the sauce moves and then remove from the fire and add the flower water and leave to cool$$*

&-Hanafk Kunafa and rubbed by hand very good.
&-Butter scattered and pour over the Kunafa and Nqlbhm
&-There is a quantity of Kunafa in halves.
&-Repeat the same process for the other half
&-Place the tray in a 220 ° C preheated oven
&-The first thing that Henry Beetle out of the ovenI
n the serving dish, place the first layer of Kunafa, and cover with a layer of Nutella

                    *  Balhna and Shifa*
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